Friday, July 11, 2008

The Boyfriend! Reads my blog...

The above statement should be a given, right? But he doesn't usually read, which is totally fine by me. Cause let's face it...he provides a lot of the ammo for that which I write about.

After reading my post about turning 25 and the quarter life crisis I am staring eye to eye with, his only response was: Please don't ever mention your mother's vagina to me again. EVER.

And I was all: What? My MOTHER'S VAGINA? Why don't you want me to mention my MOTHER'S VAGINA? What made you think of my MOTHER'S VAGINA? MOTHER'SVAGINAMOTHER'SVAGINAMOTHER'SVAGINA!!!

And he said: Say it one more time. Seriously, I dare you.

So that night just as he was about to fall asleep, I leaned over and whispered: My mother's vagina...
After which he promptly got up, filled a glass of water and dumped it all over me getting the entire bed soaking wet. It was still totally worth it.


WordVixen said...

Bwahahahahah! Dude... We so have to hook our boys up. :-D

Dr.Shazam said...

I follow "The Boyfriend's" blog and Deviant Art--let me say just what a gifted man, and excellent human being he is. And no, I have not been paid to write this. I happen to come over to your blog from his link from time to time--especially around the whole Patrick Dempsey posts!

I'll keep it simple...That's an unspoken line you just leapt over...I think he took it easy on you!!!

Colleen_Katana said...

Hey Dr. S--welcome! I agree the boyfriend! is quite gifted (though he's being rather annoying tonight).

What line is that? Oh yeah, the one about my MOTHER'S VAGINA? It's female anatomy. All women have one, including my mother and yes, yours too. Not a big deal at if I start talking about bleeding vaginas, then you can slap me and dump a whole bucket of water on me. =0)