Monday, July 7, 2008

My Personal Prime

First of all, thank you all SO MUCH for the birthday wishes. And as an FYI, along with the eye cream I've been needing, I also discovered a chin hair which I quickly tweezed. I also read online that once a woman turns 25, every year 4 pounds of muscle will transform into fat. For this reason, I am upping the intensity of my daily workouts.

But, I digress. Last week, I met my best friend Eliza and her daughter, Maddie (whom I've talked about many times) for lunch. I had taken a long shower that day, dried my hair, and put on makeup and a dress. I meet the two of them at Liza's office where Maddie was sitting at a little table having a snack. She stopped chewing a gummy bear and with her mouth full of a masticated gel-like teddy bear said: "Aunt Colleen, you look so beautiful!"

I felt very proud of myself. A compliment of that magnitude from Maddie is rather rare and was a definitely better than what I was going for. And what I was going for was just a small step up from my usual look which bears a striking resemblance to the beat up, rusty Chevy sitting on cinder blocks in the front yard next to overgrown bushes and weeds.

I would have been just as happy if she had responded to the site of me by saying: "Aunt Colleen, you don't look like walking death today!"

45 minutes later, we arrived at a little restaurant called Bread which has the most delicious tomato soup I have ever ingested. We all ordered the soup with different sandwiches and when the waitress brought the bowls creamy orange soup with imported grated cheese over top, freshly baked bread in the center and organic basil draping the cheese, Maddie could hardly contain her excitement. Her eyes grew wide and twinkled, the orange color reflecting off the brown in them. She grabbed the spoon and still staring at the bowl of soup, yelled, "IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!"

The tomato soup qualified for a completely capitalized, italicized beautiful.

I should probably be more upset about the fact that I am not as attractive as a bowl of pureed tomatoes. But I just checked my schedule and realized I won't have time to dwell on this what with my busy week of scratching my butt and growing toenails.


WordVixen said...

Well, you had me really hungry for a bowl of tomato soup until I reached the final sentence. :-D

Declan Shalvey said...

Don't take it to heart. I'm sure you're nice and all, but tomato soup IS pretty sweet. Tough to compete with.


Colleen_Katana said...

It's true...if either of you visit New York any time soon, I absolutely MUST take you to have this soup. Itw as truly divine! (Dec - I look forward to meeting you soon! And I actually did know that "colleen" meant girl in your dialect, though I had no idea it was spelled differently)

Declan Shalvey said...

Look forward to meeting you too madam!
Yeah, the dialect is a bit mad over here. Nothing is pronounced the way it's actually spelled, ie, 'Go raibh mhaith agat' is pronounced 'guh rev mah ag-ut. We're quite mad over here. Sure; you'll soon find out for yourself.

See ya soon, and have a safe trip,