Thursday, January 24, 2008

I <3 Knitting

I realized I hadn't posted one of my knitting projects for a while. So, here is a hat and scarf combo that I made as a gift. Yes, that is me with my (then) newly dyed brown hair at my rather messy desk and a coffee behind me. Is it odd that I'm probably one of the few natural blondes to dye my hair darker? Hm. Curious.


Take 5 Photography said...

Nice!! I've always wondered what your desk looked like...kinda like mine...

haha. Love the hat and scarf though!

It's like 30 degrees here ya know... ;-)


Colleen_Katana said...

haha, yes that is the workspace which I email you from EVERYDAY!!!

PS - Not sure if you can see it, but look at the picture frame in the's the one Erin gave us of you, me and Lynne! That's right, ON MY DESK CAUSE I'M AN AWESOME FRIEND!

tripleZmom said...

Cute project!