Tuesday, January 22, 2008


First Brad Renfro. Now Heath Ledger.

I can't believe it...and I thought I was depressed when I heard about Brad Renfro...


Just say no, Kids. Just. Say. No.


moonrat said...

i can't handle it!!! this is SO HORRIBLE.

Colleen_Katana said...

I KNOW! They say it comes in threes....my bet is on Amy Winehouse next (that's horrible....I take it back)

Merry Monteleone said...

It is terrible... I actually did like him in 10 Things I Hate About You - but mostly because Taming of the Shrew was one of my favorites...

Knight's Tale was excellent... see now I'm sad... maybe it was an accident - I'd hate to think someone with so much to look forward to and such a young baby would do that on purpose.

Colleen_Katana said...

Knight's Tale was SO good! =( Ugh, such a shame. I'm not sure if it was an accidental OD or suicide, but the tabloids etc say that he was found with pills around him. Makes it sound like intentional. Just goes to show that money, fame, fortune, etc doesn't mean happiness. His daughter is beautiful too. So depressing.