Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thank you

Thank you random woman on the subway who wouldn't stop coughing. Thank you for not covering your mouth yesterday or turning your head to the side. Thank you for breathing deeply so that I could almost SEE the germs leaving your mouth and entering my nose. Thank you for following me when I tried to move into the train more so to get away from you. Thank you for wiping your nose with your hand and then placing that hand on the metal bar that tons of other people, including myself, had to also hold on to.

Thank you for giving me your cold. May you choke on your own mucus enough to scare you but not to kill you! (because if you did die from your own mucus I would feel really bad!)


Sean Murphy said...

Thank you lady on the subway for sending my true love home to me from work early.

moonrat said...

i think we must have been on the same train. sigh. a downtown bound red one, perhaps?

Take 5 Photography said...

Stop getting sick will ya?! sheesh. at least you're not in my vicinity anymore, now other people have to deal with you not drinking your share of the wine! ;-)

Feel better hun!!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Oh you poor baby! Listen, the next time someone starts coughing like crazy near you. Just pull your shirt up to your nose or cover your face with your sleeve and glare at them. Or buy a bunch of surgical masks and hand them out to the nasty offenders.

Feel better soon!

Colleen_Katana said...
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Colleen_Katana said...

Thank you all for the warm words! I am sitting at home with a mug of OJ and my blankie! The boyfriend! bought dinner last night too so that was nice.

Moon - I was on the downtown red train! doo doo doo doo.....

Missy - I WANT to stop getting sick! My immune system blows balls. That's right. Balls.

Ello - Thank you...I will definitely start carrying around those surgical masks. I'm going to pull a Howie Mandell on everyone! (he's a germaphobe for those who don't know)